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Yuko System Iron (short, BLUE) for hair line, fringe, short hair, and roots section. Note the colour is blue, not black as in photos.
The state-of-the-art Phiten Repair Iron uses technology developed by YUKO’s parent company, leading health product manufacturer Phiten.
High-performance, patented Heater
Designed with a semiconductor for precise temperature control. Power is converted into heat more efficiently than conventional ceramic heaters. Nichrome plates are etched to distribute heat through the aluminium plates evenly
PT Chopper Control (super-sensitive temperature control): An embedded IC chip offers efficient control of the HH Heater. The PT (Phi-ten Triac) Chopper System sensor detects any temperature fluctuation to restore optimal heat within 0.1 second.
Conventional Hair Iron
Conventional hair irons take longer to reach the desired temperature and the temperature fluctuates.
Phiten Repair Iron
Phiten Repair Iron ® heats to the desired temperature quickly and maintains it at a constant level. Heat is evenly distributed across the plate, heat applied to hair is balanced and uniform.
When the press plates have uneven heat
Insufficient or uneven iron heat adds excessive stress. The hair is prone to damage; results are inconsistent.
The hair becomes straight only when it is pressed at the optimal temperature.
With Phiten Repair Iron
Even and consistent iron temperature creates beautiful, straight hair in the shortest time ever.
Consistent heat results in beautiful and evenly straight hair.
The Phiten short iron has a fixed temperature of 160℃. For an adjustable temperature, please see the Phiten Repair Iron (regular).